Alexei Navalny shows up at the Kremlin but isn't he dead? Thus begins Putin's worst nightmare (real or not?) in which the two find themselves in 1918 on the day of Nicholas II's execution. It's half an hour before the order to murder the last Russian Tsar would be given and together they must determine which one of them is the Tsar and which one is the murderer.
World premiere: January 14, 2025 A REEL
Two powerful men collide in this punchy one-act play. The author creates conflict from the very first second, then skilfully ramps up the tension. An intimate theatre, one where you can see the whites of the actors' eyes. ... entertaining, surprising, amusing, and thought-provoking— all wrapped up in one. The dialog moved quickly. An original production you shouldn’t miss. A masterpiece of concise storytelling, brilliantly weaving together the lives of Alexei Navalny, Vladimir Putin, and Vladimir Lenin. The acting is nothing short of incredible, with each actor bringing depth and nuance to their roles, making the most of the limited time to deliver a thought-provoking and impactful performance. The play leaves you pondering the risks and responsibilities of standing up against authority, making it a must-see for anyone interested in the intersection of history and contemporary politics. ... a perfect surrealistic script and very good acting. WRITTEN AND DIRECTED by Margarita Gokun Silver
PRODUCED by Louise Denyer FEATURING: Andrew McGuirk as Vladimir Putin Diego Rojas as Alexei Navalny For booking, contact here. For performing rights, contact here. BEHIND THE SCENES
The play contemplates a dialogue between Putin and Navalny on the nature of Putin’s leadership and his desire to paint himself as the modern-day czar. It doesn’t matter whether Navalny is alive or not – or even present – and perhaps it even works better as an imagined conversation, with Putin attempting to self-rationalise and justify his actions before any figure representing a threat to his regime. The intimate small-theatre setting further encourages the audience to consider this as a conversation taking place in Putin’s mind. The actors bring some wry humour to a complex and uneasy subject.
~ Adin
The tension between characters is palpable even before they begin to interact. The play is powerful duel.
~ Alfonso
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